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Atrophic gastritis: causes, symptoms and treatment of folk remedies

Атрофический гастритOne of the very dangerous types of diseases of the digestive system is atrophic gastritis. It is chronic and leads to the disappearance of parietal cells responsible for the secretion of hydrochloric acid). Besides the development of the disease there is a deficiency of vitamin B12, which aims to close the diet in atrophic gastritis.

In connection with the lack of vitamins there are problems with the synthesis of red blood cells. Also, this type of gastritis is critically reduces the thickness of the gastric mucosa. It subsequently tends to atrophy with the loss of its protective function. The disease is the most severe stage of chronic gastritis.

Ignoring the obvious symptoms, can provoke the appearance of cancer. Atrophic gastritis develops at any age in both sexes. Improper diet, stress and reluctance to consult the doctor about chronic gastritis be frequent causes of the disease.

What is the pathology

Symptoms of atrophic gastritis occur periodically. They appear in the following form:

  • Frequent pain in the xiphoid process;
  • Trouble digesting food bloating, chronic diarrhea or constipation;
  • Sweating combined with General malaise;
  • Sharp pain in the digestive organs after the consumption of alcohol, carbonated drinks and acidic food;
  • Advanced forms of gastritis reflected the poor condition of the hair and brittle nails and pale skin.

In many situations, however, acute pain can and does occur. Therefore, the appearance of even slight discomfort in the stomach and loss of appetite you should think about visiting the doctor.

What causes disease?

An unambiguous identification of the causes of atrophic gastritis is not possible due to lack of knowledge of the precipitating factors of the disease. However, some of them known:

  1. Eating acute, aggressive dishes. Also, the defeat of the gastric mucosa occurs as a result of poor chewing of food and wrong fasting.
  2. The impact on the internal environment of the stomach different chemicals. They can be in the air in vapor form or in food. With respect to them doctors use the treatment with the antidote.
  3. The presence of harmful habits. Effects of nicotine and alcohol is a strong irritant to the gastric mucosa. The same effect have coffee and carbonated drinks.
  4. Reflux esophagitis (inflammation of esophagus), causing the atrophy, while boosting the overall acidity of the stomach.

Long-term medication alsogreatly injure the mucosa. If you use medicines necessarily need to replace them with other drugs that do not cause symptoms of the acute stage of gastritis. To recommend similar drugs can be a doctor.

Features of treatment

Before the doctor will prescribe the right treatment, the patient must undergo a special examination. Many complaints similar to the symptoms of atrophic gastritis are nonspecific, so it is easy to confuse it with another similar disease. Treatment in each case should be individualized.

Complete elimination of atrophic gastritis is possible only in case of early referral to a specialist. This can be explained by the fact that the affected areas of the stomach are not restored.

Diagnostic data when the work in the following ways:

  • X-rays of the stomach;
  • Determination of the level of acidity of the internal environment of the stomach;
  • Fibrogastroduodenoscopy — the study of the internal environment of the digestive system with an endoscope (a hose with a camera on the end);
  • Immunological study of blood — allows to determine the General condition of the body's defense system.

Based on the results of these procedures, the doctor will determine specific treatment. A mix of official and folk medicine is the best option in order not only to eliminate the symptoms of gastritis, but also to prevent further progression of the disease.

The use of folk remedies

Treatment of atrophic gastritis folk remedies represents the set of circuits of proper nutrition in combination with a certain set of medicinal drugs of natural origin.

Травы при гастритеThe main weapon in the Arsenal of traditional healers, treating gastritis, is calamus root. The tincture improves the secretory function of the stomach and can facilitate the assimilation of many foods for gastritis.

Herbal teas, the use of which accelerates the treatment of gastritis folk remedies, include the following main components:

  • Psyllium;
  • Yarrow;
  • Angelica root and other herbs.

To prepare the tincture the herbs are thoroughly mixed, and then 1 teaspoon of the drug is poured into 200 g of boiling water. Infused with the liquid is filtered and taken warm one hour before a meal.

Features power

Nutrition in atrophic gastritis involves a rigid system of requirements to the patient table.

Permitted foods for gastritis are presented mainly:

  • Dairy products;
  • Dietary sorts of meat;
  • Vegetable oils;
  • Honey;
  • Berries andfruit.

In General, any food does not affect the gastric mucosa in a negative way is not only permitted, but useful for the person with the disease. Treatment of gastritis folk remedies is also one of the complementary factors of proper nutrition.

Experts ' recommendations are also reduced to the observance of certain simple rules:

  • Granularity nutrition for gastritis;
  • Minimal intake of 1.5 liters of water a day;
  • Exclusion from the diet is too hot and cold food.

Special diet

Show symptoms allow you to decide which diet in atrophic gastritis, depending on the stage of the disease, is the most suitable. Patients often experience some lack of power. This happens due to the inability of certain stomach enzymes to properly perform its functions – they are simply not enough. To resolve this manifestation of atrophic gastritis, developed a sample menu for each day:

  • Breakfast consists of a serving of scrambled eggs with low-fat milk, fruit salad;
  • Snack includes cheese, a glass of plain water;
  • Lunch for gastritis must be submitted by soup in weak broth of vegetables with the addition of buckwheat and steam souffle;
  • Afternoon snack consists of biscuits and a Cup of compote;
  • Dinner includes chicken, vegetable salad, jelly.

The General principles of any diet for the treatment of the disease are: the harmony of nutrition, eating easily digestible meals, avoiding fried and baked dishes. In addition, the patient must take care of the hygiene of food – do not overeat, to a regime – and to carefully monitor symptoms. Making a diet, you need to consider the individual characteristics and tastes of the patient.

Prevention of the disease

Prevention system atrophic gastritis includes the organization of healthy nutrition, the fight against addictions, the treatment of other diseases of the internal environment of the stomach and the timely rehabilitation of the oral cavity (removal of foci of infection). In chronic form of disease, the patient must stay in hospital under the supervision of professionals. Twice a year is necessary to carry out the course inspection — inspection of the internal environment of the stomach and other digestive organs.

The elimination of unwanted consequences of atrophic gastritis folk remedies should not be the main form of treatment. The emphasis should be on professional medical care in this disease. The choice of therapy in atrophic gastritis is determined by the individual characteristics of the patient and possibilities of its compliance with prescribed conditions. Exceptionindependent attempts to get rid of painful manifestations, as well as a combination of professional help with folk remedies will ensure fast recovery.

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