Home / Other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract / Symptoms and treatment of inflammation of the duodenum

Symptoms and treatment of inflammation of the duodenum

Двендцатиперстная кишка Duodenitis – inflammation duodenal ulcer – occurs quite often, especially in pediatric patients. This disease can occur in chronic or acute form. Its causes are different from improper diet to hormonal disturbances in the body. Its essence is that in the duodenum develops inflammation, the symptoms of which resemble other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The duodenum performs important functions in the body. This is one of the most important organs of the digestive system. Duodenum is the site of the small intestine, which is responsible for metabolism in the body, regulation of the gastrointestinal tract, the production of certain hormones, food processing juices of the pancreas.

Classification of duodenitis

Inflammation is classified according to the nature of structural changes of the organ, causes duration.

According to the nature of the changes there are the following types of inflammation of the duodenum:

  • superficial, or catarrhal (symptoms are vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, erosion, are absent, the mucous membrane is red, swollen, violated its function);
  • atrophic (of the villi of the mucous membrane atrophied, reduced in size and exfoliated);
  • hypertrophic (as a result of proliferation and enhanced cell division of the mucous membrane it thickens and increases in size);
  • erosive (on the surface of the mucosa is formed of a variety of wounds, erosions).

At the prevalence of inflammation can be:

  • diffuse (affected the entire mucosa),
  • focal (inflamed small area),
  • proximal (inflammation of follicles),
  • distal (inflammation of the area where the duodenum passes into the small intestine).

Treatment of inflammation of the duodenum should be carried out taking into account the characteristics of each type.

Depending on the factors causing the development of the disease, duodenitis is divided into primary, secondary and reactive. Their treatment will differ.

Chronic duodenitis

Chronic inflammation is divided into primary and secondary. The primary causes of duodenitis is Smoking, improper diet, consumption of alcoholic beverages. The secondary duodenitis is a complications of already existing diseases of the stomach (ulcer, gastritis)

Poor motility of the stomach reduces the motility of the duodenum, which also may develop secondary to the inflammation. In medical practice distinguish atrophic, superficial, hyperplastic, chronic interstitial duodenitis.src="/gastric/images/61-1.jpg" title="duodenum ulcer" alt="duodenum ulcer">


At the initial stage of chronic inflammation of the duodenum may not show any specific symptoms. If you experience symptoms characteristic of other diseases of the digestive system:

  • disturbs constant heartburn;
  • always after eating an unpleasant belching;
  • decreased appetite;
  • sick or pulls on vomiting;
  • appear constipation.

In the process of progression of inflammation of the duodenum appear painful sensations in the stomach, especially at night.

Hormonal function of the body is disturbed, causing the patient can alarming symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, weakness, fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness, pain in the stomach.

How to treat

Treatment of chronic inflammation of the duodenum in the period of exacerbation is in a hospital. The first thing to do is to remove the cause and the symptoms will disappear by themselves. If the appearance of inflammation was provoked by Helicobacter pylori infection, treatment involves antibiotics. Increased acidity of stomach juice neutralizes special medicines (Ranitidine, Maalox).

To protect the mucous membrane of the duodenum, it is recommended to take drugs that have a protective action (Sulfacet). Decoction of yarrow and chamomile provide anti-inflammatory effect, and enzymes will help restore the digestion.

Operative treatment of chronic inflammation of the duodenum is performed in cases when the cause of the disease are the mechanical barriers that are not amenable to drug therapy.

Acute duodenitis

In acute inflammation of the duodenum of the patient periodically suffers severe stomach pain, weakness, nausea and vomiting. Pathology is often accompanied by inflammation of the intestines and stomach.

Erosive-ulcerative and catarrhal duodenitis, occurring in acute, easily treatable. Sometimes it is enough just to adjust diet, exclude alcoholic beverages, give up Smoking. If time does not diagnose acute duodenitis and not to take action regarding what kind of treatment, it can become chronic.

To quickly get rid of the manifestations of acute inflammation of the duodenum, prescribed bed rest and fasting for two days. In some cases the use of potassium permanganate to lavage of the stomach if worried about strong pain, prescribe antispasmodic drugs.

If not treated acute inflammation, can develop seriouscomplications.

The consequences

In most cases the inflammation can be treated successfully, sometimes, however, there is a risk of complications. This primarily happens if you run the disease and is not treated for a long time not to pay attention to its symptoms, to continue their way of life.Здоровье живота

The most common complications of duodenitis include the following States:

  1. Inflamed outer shell that surrounds the duodenum and part of stomach.
  2. Damaged areas of the body can bleed.
  3. Developing stomach ulcer.

Very rare complications of inflammation of the duodenum as achlorhydria (lack of hydrochloric acid in the stomach), malignant tumor, stenosis of the pylorus of the stomach, hormonal insufficiency, intestinal obstruction, inflammation of the peritoneum, intoxication.

To prevent development of complications, should be timely to go to a medical institution for expert advice. A patient may only be aware of the development of inflammation of the duodenum, but an accurate diagnosis will put a gastroenterologist after conducting a series of surveys.


As in any other case, to prevent the occurrence of duodenitis, it is recommended to apply preventive measures.

The first thing to do is to withdraw from alcohol abuse. Alcoholic beverages have a negative impact on the entire body, particularly in the duodenum and stomach, causing failures in their operation. Cigarette smoke affects the body and can cause the development of inflammatory process.

Proper nutrition will help to prevent the development of duodenitis and a number of other diseases. Do not have to follow a strict diet, enough to exclude from the daily diet is too spicy, greasy food, limit the consumption of sweets, replacing them with fresh fruits and vegetables. Eating foods that contain fiber, fresh juices, foods rich in vitamins and trace elements also have a positive impact on the condition of the digestive system.

In order to identify the disease and begin proper treatment, no need to wait until to show symptoms and be screened regularly. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy will help to detect problems not only of the duodenum, and intestine, esophagus and other organs of the digestive system, which will lead to proper treatment.