Home / Other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract / Treat disorders of the digestive functions of the stomach

Treat disorders of the digestive functions of the stomach

Расстроенный желудок In a healthy person the digestive organs are functioning normally. However, when adverse factors may occur upset stomach. Many people equate this disease to diarrhea, but diarrhea is just one of the signs of a failure of the digestive tract. What are the causes and treatment of disease?

Factors disorders

Functional disorder of the stomach is triggered by the following factors:

  • Stress;
  • Fatigue;
  • Eating unusually large amounts of food;
  • Improper diet;
  • The eating;
  • Malnutrition;
  • Acclimatization;
  • Bad habits.

Causes of organic disorders of the stomach include:

  • Infectious diseases;
  • Gastritis;
  • Peptic ulcer disease.


The symptoms of indigestion are always taken into account to determine the causes of the disease. The symptoms of failure in the functioning of the stomach can occur for several weeks. The disorder is characterized by the following features:

  • Loss of appetite;
  • Heartburn;
  • Nausea;
  • Flatulence;
  • Discomfort when eating;
  • Diarrhea or constipation;
  • Frequent belching.

Every kind of stomach disorders has specific symptoms. If indigestion caused by fermentation, is observed bloating, flatulence, diarrhea. When putrid indigestion person observes such symptoms as fatigue, lack of appetite, diarrhea. If indigestion was triggered by the excessive consumption of fatty foods, the patient observed symptoms such as diarrhea and stomach heaviness.

Treatment through diet

Правильная еда With indigestion the treatment is prescribed by a gastroenterologist. The disease should be treated by complex methods, the essence of which is to eliminate the disorder symptoms and functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Treatment consists of diet, medication and other methods prescribed by your doctor.

A therapeutic diet is a powerful tool, which is used for the treatment of indigestion. If the disorder you can eat exclusively low-fat foods. Person can do meat and fish dishes for a couple, light soups, vegetable broths. It is recommended to exclude from the menu of fresh sour fruits and berries (apples, citrus, currants). The diet also permits the consumption of boiled eggs, low-fat fresh cheese. The patient can eat light porridge and stale bread.

Diet for upset means an exception from the menu fatty foods, sweets, meats, alcohol, processed foods. The diet prohibitsthe consumption of carbonated beverages, foods with flavor enhancers.

For upset stomach daily meals need to be split into five parts. There is a need in divided portions, and the food should be thoroughly chewed. If you experience hunger between meals, you can make a snack. Do not forget that diet is a treatment, so you need to negotiate with your doctor. If she respected all the rules, recovery will come soon.

After recovery, the person recommended is good for the digestive system of meals, and adhere to the principle of fractional power.

Drug therapy

Treatment with medicines can not appoint themselves. Any vehicle, reception of which is to solve problems with the stomach, is prescribed by a doctor. Among them:

  1. Vogelin is an effective medication that is often prescribed to people suffering from vomiting caused by indigestion. Tool used before meals.
  2. Omez – effective means prescribed for the digestive disorders. The cure "soothes" inflamed stomach lining and prevents the development of symptoms of gastritis.
  3. To improve digestion is also prescribed this remedy as Abomin. It should be taken strictly according to instructions, otherwise you may experience diarrhea.

Traditional methods

Травы при гастрите Flax seeds are known as natural cure for disorders of the stomach. An infusion of them has a shielding effect, therefore, is effective for the treatment of inflamed mucous membrane of the stomach. Treatment flax seed available to all, as this raw material can be bought at any pharmacy.

A decoction of BlackBerry leaves is used as an effective remedy for stomach problems, which is accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. Drink it three times a day one glass.

If the person is not suffering from gastritis, he can prepare a drink of cinnamon and red pepper (pinch). Spices dissolved in a Cup of boiling water and infuse. The tool is used for diarrhea.

For upset stomach you can do an enema of a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This remedy is also recommended to take in morning and evening. Excellent relieves abdominal pain warm chamomile tea.

The treatment of gastrointestinal disorders in children is carried out with the help of the congee. It take one third of a Cup every two hours.

That should be alerted

If the person used all methods of eliminating disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, but his condition has not improved or became worse, you should immediately consult a doctor. If, in addition to the symptoms of indigestion, in humans there is often vomiting blood, unbearable sharp pain in the hypochondrium, fatigue,the reduced temperature and bloody stool, you should call an ambulance. All these features can characterize such a dangerous disease like cancer of the digestive system and even heart attack. In this case the patient have a medical emergency.

Frequent vomiting, diarrhoea, weakness and fever may indicate acute infectious disease of the digestive system. Particularly dangerous these illnesses are young children, the elderly and pregnant women. Frequent vomiting and diarrhea, especially under the condition of high temperature, lead to a rapid loss of moisture in the body. If there is a suspected infection, the sick person immediately hospitalityat and other treatment. Before the arrival of the ambulances of the sick as often as possible given water or regidron.


Disorder of stomach function is most frequently observed in summer, with an abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits. To protect yourself from this disease, you have to eat only carefully washed the fruit. In hot weather, eliminate from the diet of perishable foods are: butter cream, cooked sausage, as well as food sold in natural markets.

A balanced diet is an excellent prevention of indigestion. Throughout the day a person eats at least four times, while the portions to be small.

Daily moderate exercise stimulates digestion, and therefore minimizes the risk of disorders of the stomach.