Home / Other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract / Neurosis of the stomach (functional dyspepsia): symptoms and treatment

Neurosis of the stomach (functional dyspepsia): symptoms and treatment

Болит животNeurosis of the stomach, or functional dyspepsia is a malfunction in the body, resulting from emotional disorders, severe mental stress. Some doctors referred to the disease reaction of the stomach in response to the pathology of other organs and systems.

In each situation, the symptoms appear the same. The disease is not dangerous for the life of the patient, but can lead to unpleasant consequences. The condition is typical of people aged 20 to 40 years, when the life activity is maximum. Functional dyspepsia is more common in women than in men.


Neurosis of the stomach is accompanied by the following clinical manifestations:

  • Unpleasant sensations in the stomach, heaviness or emptiness, even after eating;
  • Pain in the abdomen or in the iliac portion;
  • Nausea, heartburn, possible vomiting;
  • Strong, nothing inexplicable appetite;
  • Belching due to excessive ingestion of air;
  • A General hectic condition: sleep disturbance, headaches, severe irritability.

Interestingly, the symptoms are not, as is typical of gastroenterological pathologies. For example, a person may experience hunger despite the fact that he had just recently eaten or, on the contrary, heaviness in the stomach after punching just a few SIPS.

Neurosis of the stomach, complicated by the fact that the person associates the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms of minor poisoning that will soon pass. The patient begins to self-medicate, taking pain meds, activated charcoal or advertised medicines.

Many professionals in their practice were associated with this problem when it was impossible to establish the diagnosis in the study, despite the fact that unpleasant symptoms continued to manifest. In the end, it turned out that disruption of normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract associated with psychological condition.


To identify a mental manifestation of the disease, the doctor must establish certain characteristic symptoms:

  • Somatic symptoms without determining the prevailing wage;
  • Distinctive symptoms, for example, the absence of disease in organs, but the presence of pain;
  • The variability of the clinical picture;
  • Protracted pathological process improvements;
  • The symptoms are pronounced after stress, mental disorders;
  • Vegetative signs;
  • Gastroenterology treatment does not give positive results;
  • The patient has a desire to take sedatives.

A distinctive feature of the clinicalmanifestations of the disease lies in its emotional character:

  • The patient can not specifically say that it hurts;
  • The patient remains in the doldrums;
  • Observed anxiety;
  • There is a sleep disturbance;
  • A sense of despair, etc.

In the diagnostic studies, the doctor must pay attention to the above secondary symptoms.

Treatment: psychotherapeutic influence

If it was found that disruption of the gastrointestinal tract has been an emotional, first of all, should ensure the normal functioning of the body. This means that you need to eliminate the main cause of stress. This can help the therapist, who will prescribe an effective method of treatment for each individual patient.Психотерапия

Sometimes pain that occurs when the disease, functional dyspepsia, can be a barrier to the medications, therefore,medication will be ineffective. In neurosis of the stomach may be psychological intolerance to the drugs. It is logical that when this problem occurs, psychotherapeutic treatment comes to the fore.

Often the treatment of disease functional dyspepsia does not give positive results. This is due to the fact that therapy should be aimed at eliminating neurotic problems. A specialist task is to determine the cause of neurosis. If factor in the development of the disease is exhaustion, then require treatment aimed at the renewal of vital energy. In the process of treatment is necessary to improve the blood supply to fill the supply of vitamins and minerals to normalize the sleep mode.

Treatment fight anxiety is to practice positive thinking. It is very important at the time of treatment to exclude the use of alcoholic beverages. You need to follow a special diet, which includes eating light food, with a gradual transition to food, enriched with proteins and vitamins. In severe situations, the patient is fed food through a tube. Should eliminate from a diet smoked products, sweets, oily and spicy food. Beneficial for the nervous system is the daily intake of nuts, raisins.

If the patient is no psychological intolerance to the medications, then assigned to antidepressants and tranquilizers, which have a positive impact in the treatment of disease. With the gradual mild effects that are useful homeopathic remedies.

Effective enema with chamomile, the use of warm baths with decoctions of herbs, characterized by a sedative effect. Herbal infusions can be taken orally. For this idealValerian, which has a positive effect on the nervous system. Antispastic and sedative effect has mint and many other herbs that can be purchased at the pharmacy.

No need to rely on public methods, as a neurosis of the stomach is a serious disease, which prevents lead a normal life. At the first sign of the disease, visit the doctor and follow all his recommendations. Or you can use the form free online doctor's consultation is on our website.