Home / Procedures / The features and capabilities of diagnostic x-ray of the stomach

The features and capabilities of diagnostic x-ray of the stomach

Рентген желудкаHealth problems are not solved spontaneously. They require professional medical intervention. Self-medication can cost not only health, but life. That is why should immediately contact the doctor or at least consult online on our website, it's free! To put the correct diagnosis and to appoint correct treatment, the doctor will certainly diagnose. Great option is an x-ray of the stomach.

The essence of diagnostics

To conduct this type of research uses a special contrast agent. Radiography with the use of gastrografin will allow you to accurately conduct a survey to identify a variety of diseases of the digestive system, including ulcers and tumors.

The procedure involves a preliminary conversation with the patient. It is possible to assess in detail the condition of the patient and to make research targeted maximum. The doctor can choose the correct method:

  • Double contrast;
  • The use of barium sulfate;
  • The use of gas.

In the result of the diagnostics shows an x-ray of the stomach? Innovative procedure focused on the assessment of additional shadows, located in the surrounding tissues, and to identify the different changes in the digestive system. The technique allows to study the state not only of the stomach but also the esophagus.

Possibilities of inspection

Astragraphia allows to diagnose diseases of the stomach. Survey doing if:

  • The syndrome is incorrect suction;
  • For the diagnosis of peptic ulcer disease;
  • When evaluating results of surgical intervention.

Also a good method for evaluation of abnormalities of the esophagus. Properly executed by the hands of a specialist using innovative techniques radiography of the stomach makes it possible to identify varicose veins, diverticula (a kind of protrusion of the mucosa), narrow. Using techniques to detect foreign objects in the cavity of the esophagus.

Through this type of diagnosis effectively examined all the abdominal organs. Specialist performs a range of shots. Do them after the administration of contrast media. The use of barium sulphate, which belongs to the category of water-insoluble substances, can effectively carry out the procedure.

Fluoroscopy allows productive to assess the condition not only of the stomach or esophagus. Diagnostics shows and gives the opportunity to reveal the peculiarities of state of the duodenum. The technique is a wonderful way to detect a variety of pathologies including ulcer and cancer.

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Variability studies

There are many different features for such studies. What is different about x-ray of the stomach from other types of diagnostics of a condition of the digestive system? It is first necessary to note features of a structure of the body. Its topography is very complicated, the mucous membrane is uneven. It is represented by a set of concave sections and convex. That is why its study is often extremely difficult.

The use of diagnostic method of double contrast when you enter the air and barium can effectively assess the condition of the stomach and esophagus. The peculiarity of this survey is that doctors can see the changes of a system under pathological conditions:

  • During the cancer;
  • Gastritis;
  • In the course of peptic ulcer disease.

Review x-rays of the stomach is not fully effective. This method does not give chances to examine hollow organs. However, the use of innovative contrast is a wonderful opportunity to see the anatomical structure.

The nuances of technique

What are the goals of diagnosis with the use of barium? It is an excellent method to identify block the passage of the painted tools. The diagnostic decision admirably with the study of the entire gastrointestinal tract. Where the contrast agent accumulates, it may be a neoplasm, including malignant character. On top of that diagnosis allows to identify spastic contraction of the gut.Картинка желудка в рентгене

Often x-rays of the stomach involves the use of several techniques. It can be:

  • Barium enema;
  • The passage of barium;
  • Retrograde cholangiopancreatography.

The first method is an example of the x-ray method. It is ideal for detecting tumors and evaluating the degree of protrusion of the walls of the colon. The technique is used to determine obstruction in the intestines.

The subtleties of different options

The most common variant – the introduction of barium along the entire length of the intestine. This method involves the execution of several regular x-rays. The interval is 3, 6, 9, 12 and 24 hours. Time intervals sometimes vary – it all depends on the objectives of the survey. This technique allows you to efficiently and thoroughly investigate the state of your esophagus and intestines.

Retrograde cholangiopancreatography is a unique diagnostic method aimed at the assessment of the functioning of the bile ducts. The method effectively detects cancer, tumorsthe different nature of the origin and course of a variety of inflammation.

This method of diagnostic examination can be applied only after laboratory and other tests, which do not produce necessary amount of information. While this type of research is not to compare and contrast with the probe method. A radically different methodology. Procedures have different purposes and solve different problems.